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DYS Everything

Date(s): November 11, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Location: NCOESC Tiffin Campus 928 W. Market St. Suite A Tiffin, OH 44883
Registration Fee: FREE for Client Districts. $60 for Non-Client Districts Audience: Teachers all grade levels, building level administrators Graduate Credit:
Description: Dys…difference or deficit? Teach from the margins to support all learners

Learning about the “dys” (dyscalculia, dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia) is essential for educators and professionals to ensure both an inclusive and effective learning environment. Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty affecting the ability to understand and work with numbers, while dyslexia and dysgraphia impacts reading, writing, and spelling skills. By gaining a deep understanding of these conditions, participants can develop tailored comorbid strategies to support students in all areas to promote their academic success and confidence. By attending this session, and learning more about the diagnosis and/or non diagnosis in these areas, participants will learn the latest research supporting the implementation of evidence-based teaching methods, while cultivating empathy and patience. With this knowledge from the training, educators will walk away with strategies that equip them to create time-efficient adaptive learning plans, utilize appropriate technologies, and collaborate to ensure all students have the opportunity to thrive and be successful.
Contact Person: Stephanie
Additional Information:
Phone: 419-447-2927

This event is hosted by NCOESC

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