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Cluster Grouping Correctly for Gifted Service and Student Success

Date(s): April 19, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Location: NCOESC Tiffin Campus, 928 W. Market St., Tiffin, Oh 44883
Registration Fee: Free for districts using NCOESC gifted services, $100 per team for non NCOESC districts. Audience: Graduate Credit:
Description: This event is for districts who are currently cluster grouping or would like to start cluster grouping in order to provide gifted services in the general education classroom. We will go through what the law currently says, what the new standards will dictate, and also best practices in cluster grouping to assure a high quality educational experience for gifted students as well as all students in the classroom. The presentation will discuss research, why cluster grouping works, the best practices on how to cluster group (and also what is required), practice with cluster grouping, and also time for teams to work on class lists. This PD will be beneficial for teams of stakeholders including but not limited to principals, curriculum directors, counselors, special education directors, gifted coordinators, and a classroom representative.
Contact Person: Brianne Fox
Additional Information:
Phone: 419-447-2927 ext. 146

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